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I dropped my Apple iPhone in Toilet – how to prevent water damage?

That falling feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see the iPhone where it shouldn’t be – submerged in water – is certainly horrible; although not an exceptional experience.

Dropped Your iPhone

Dropping iPhone into the water should be treated as an emergency. There is a set course of action following such an incident which can help you prevent further water damage to the iPhone. Timing is important and if you are lucky, you may even escape unharmed. This guide provides a set of “first-aid” steps which are known to avoid water from crippling the iPhone.

In case you drop the iPhone in Toilet or Somewhere Else – turn it off immediately

Get the iPhone out of the water as soon as you can and switch off the iPhone by pressing the top Sleep/Wake button for 5 seconds until you see the following screen, then slide to power off.

Turning off the iPhone as swiftly as possible is the single most important step to prevent water damage. Keeping it off for good couple of days after the incident is as crucial.

It is not water per se which damages the iPhone but the short-circuits which can be produced by the electricity running in the iPhone’s circuit board.

Dry off the iPhone with a towel or a piece of fabric. Do NOT use a hair-dryer, nor place the iPhone in an oven as the excess heat will damage the iPhone beyond repair

Take a plastic bag, preferably a common zipper storage bag and fill it up with uncooked rice or alternatively, silica-gel packets. Place the iPhone in the plastic bag and make sure the device is fully immersed in the rice.

If you cannot get hold of rice or silica, you can alternatively place the iPhone in a very dry and well ventilated place (i.e. a room used to dry clothes equipped with a cold-air blow fan)

Take out as much air as possible from the bag and zip it up. If you do not have a zipper bag, use a regular one, or as a last resort, a bowl

Let the iPhone remain in the rice for at least 24 hours (preferably 48 hours) after which the device should have completely dried up

Trying to turn on an iPhone after a water incident always poses a risk of damage. Before you turn on your iPhone.


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